Search results

  1. JNI

    1.20.4 Support and Feature Update

    Additions Direction hud Ping spoof Holefiller module Esp wide hole setting Esp card armor toggle setting Grim anticheat elytrafly (mode bounce) Grim velocity setting Anticheat precise strafing setting for strict anticheats NoSlow fakeswap setting improvement for grim Added new "Instant click...
  2. JNI

    New Chunks

    Not currently, and you can't really have accurate newchunks like in 1.12 because chunks are sent correctly now. You kind of have to guess and its not great so it's relatively low priority. Maybe in a future update.
  3. JNI

    Official Crystal PVP Server

    IP: Originally started as an anticheat testing server for the developers, we have turned our server into a fully featured pvp server. Features: Intuitive kit creator An environment as similar to 2b2t as possible Forced 1 tick of time before crystal break (to prevent lower...
  4. JNI

    Community Discord

    To join our discord, link your account via the connected accounts section of your profile. When prompted, allow the bot to join the server for you. We do this instead of providing a public link to reduce spam and low quality users, and to sync roles between the forum and discord automatically.
  5. JNI


    I will give out media keys after the next update, when I start advertising.
  6. JNI

    this still coming out?

    The client has released, but we don't want to make an announcement until there is a showcase video and some more work done on the backend.
  7. JNI

    please allow bitcoin purchases

    Xenforo doesn't support crypto payments, however we will have resellers eventually that take crypto
  8. JNI

    Question about the client

  9. JNI

    1.20.1 Support & Major content update

    Additions Updated to 1.20.1 Search module Autocrystal setting to disable slide animation Font module option to disable shadow AutoLog player near setting, logs when an unfriended player enters your render distance Info command Waypoints module Nuker farm mode Animations module "Chunks" settings...
  10. JNI

